The Forking Paths
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Let’s say there are a library and a reader. This reader wants to, in her autistic euphoria, read all the books and prints – everything ever published. Nothing less. This is, in the physical universe we occupy, normally not possible (given a huge amount of volumes to read within a rather limited time frame). So there has to be a radical selection process. This problem is not easy to overcome, because each book that you pick up relates to one or several other books, and they again to others, and they might all just be interesting. In order to help a reader in conflicts like this, there might be something close to a natural law that one can trust: As much as, say, 85% of everything made, even written material, is deceitful. The last 15% might just be good. Trust this lie, and it will be easier to understand earlier to “know everything”- and that the mass of fields, makes it impossible to do something like this now.
—Excerpted from Leif Magne Tangen: Untitled (They Become Silent Again), The Sole Proprietor and Other Stories, p.68
The Forking Paths
WeChat Subscription Account
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WeChat: theshopwechat
Online time:
(GMT+8) 11:00-18:00 Mon.- Fri.
Except for CN national holidays
Designer: N.E.L.S.O.N.
Pulisher: Vitamin Creative Space
Language: Chinese, English
Size: 19.9×12.9cm
Page: 180
Year: 2007